Ahaa! Hydration Planner? What else can I say other than we are now living in the future. Apparently, the future is “slowing down” or perhaps we are too fast and apparently caught up with the future mmh. We might be the living version of The Flash (yes am referring to the series) when it comes to technology. We cannot hold back from the desire to explore the future.


credit: DrinKup

With all the evolving technology around us, we tend to submit all our tasks to applications to remind us of what is required or to help us in accomplishing our tasks. This has not stopped new technologies from emerging. Who would have thought that we will one day have a planner that keeps up with our need to be hydrated? Well, we cannot ignore for sure the fact that our health is a priority. We cannot ignore our health at the expense of all other goodies the world has to offer.

It is said the impossible is possible. DrinKup is a smart water bottle that helps us keep our body hydrated. You might be wondering how does this happen? But before we get there, we have to admit for a fact that we often have to provide our body with water not to substitute it with any other drinks (this has rather been a challenge but since I set out my 2018 goal on healthy eating I have improved my water drinking game) as it makes up 70% of our body.  With all the activities that we tend to do during the day we often find ourselves only taking water when working out and maybe once or twice a day when we feel we need to re-hydrate our bodies. We should not ignore our body’s hydration status to the point where we feel the need to take water. The reason for this is, By the time we are getting to the level of feeling we need a glass of water, this simply means our body is way dehydrated below the recommended amount of water needed by the body. Believe it or not that is simply our body. It will react when its way below the standard level and that can be dangerous especially when working under extreme high temperatures.

Therefore, the need to keep our body hydrated is an a must do for all of us. But what if we cannot keep up with the recommended 8 glasses of water per day? You might say, “I try a lot to get to the required intake but I forget how much water I have taken or I am not feeling thirsty. ” Many at times we have tried the water reminder apps but we hardly improve and end up uninstalling the applications. The solution to our problem is the DrinKup Water Bottle.

DrinKup water bottle functions as a hydration planner whose purpose is to make sure we are drinking water through out the day. You might ask, “Whats the major difference between this bottle and the usual bottles we are used to?” The difference lies within the technology used to create the drinKup water bottle. We can call it the next level of IoT. Luckily the bottle isn’t limited to water only, you can add your favorite drink or smoothie and it will work the same way.

DrinKup has a lid that has a touch sensor screen, which keep track of your water intake everyday by sending reminders to keep up alert on your next water drinking time. It vibrates when it is time to re-hydrate the body and displays our current hydration status. The good thing about the bottle is that, unlike phones which can act as interference or destruction especially at work places, the bottle will not interfere with your daily activities as it wont tempt you to log in to your social sites keeping you destructed at work and it can be used at any time even during meetings and when having conversations with friends. This brings out an element of style and fashion and a tech enthusiast to one’s life.
To ensure the best use of the drinKup bottle, all that one needs to do is to enter their demographic information to their drinKup app and the information will be synced. The bottle goes a long way to help not only on reminding us when we need to have some hydration but it also has the capability of telling if the drink is hot or cold. This is due to the fact that it can keep drinks hot for 12 hours and it even alerts users in case the drink is stale, therefore you need not to worry whether your morning smoothie is still fresh by evening. Amazing, right? Having a bottle remind us when to hydrate our bodies when we are clouded up with a load of activities to take care or.

The drinKup app is available on Google’s Android and on Apple’s Ios. The device has the capability of integrating with all your other health items e.g. Apple Health and can also be integrated with your wearable’s giving you the best service especially when working out and whenever you need to have your water bottle around. The bottle is currently being sold .

Luckily smart water bottles HYDRA Tech Bottle – 5W Bluetooth Speaker, 4000 mah Power Bank Charger for Smart Phone, Speakerphone, Microphone, Emergency RGB LED Nightlight Blackdrinkup THE SMART WATER BOTTLE- YOUR HYDRATION PLANNER have an inbuilt battery to store the power and they have Bluetooth capability for connections.

Activate your bottle life and spice up your smart world.

Hydrate your life by gobbling down your favorite drink with a smart bottle reminder.


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