Drinking too much water is poisonous to our body.  Numerous times we hear and read the importance of staying hydrated . With different statistics showing we need a minimum of eight glasses of water per day, we tend to go by the rule and to avoid experiencing dehydration symptoms such as fatigue, we at times over do how much water we take in.


Drinking too much water can also have its side effects that in very severe cases can lead to seizures and a coma. This is because, drinking too much water can lead to intoxication a situation whereby, the body cells get flooded due to low level of sodium in the body. The body requires both salts and ions at an optimal level for it to function properly. Too much water therefore lowers the effectiveness of the body functionality.

The question is how then do we track the amount of water we take, or have we taken excess water than required by the body? The following illustrate symptoms experienced when taking too much water:

  1. Having clear urine due to excess water intake

We have all at one time or another heard the myths about clear urine being a sign of a well hydrated body. There was a time I was literally one die hard believer of that concept and used it as my measuring scale to know whether am hydrated or not. Truth is, the believed concept is not that reliable. Having exceptionally clear urine without some yellow pigment is a sign of over-hydration as most of the sodium in the body is being flushed out by water. A healthy well hydrated body should produce urine that has an almost transparent yellow color.

  1. Nausea and Vomiting

Drinking a lot of water leads to excess fluids being stored in the body as the body is unable to get rid of the excess fluids. This leads to symptoms such a nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. According to Hew Butler, dehydration symptoms are like hydration symptoms.

  1. Swelling and Discoloration of lips, feet and hands

The kidneys are responsible for eliminating waste from the body and dissolve nutrients and minerals. When we consume too much water, we end up storing excess fluids in the kidneys, giving our kidneys, a difficult time getting rid of all the excess fluids. The fluids tend to accumulate within the body, causing swelling of feet and hands as all other waste cannot be removed from the body.

  1. A feeling of Fatigue

This is also experienced when we are dehydrated. When the body is over-hydrated, we experience the same because, we stress the kidneys in performing its functionalities by making them work harder to ensure it tries to eliminate the excess water while maintaining a balanced fluid level within the bloodstream

  1. A myriad of Headaches

We mostly experience headaches whenever we have undue stress or are dehydrated. Did you know that being over-hydrated also causes headaches? When you drink too much water, the brain increases in size and presses against the skull causing us to have headaches. This is due to swelling of cells within the body caused by low salt concentration.

The next time you feel tired, lazy to jump out of bed to fire up your day or you feel nauseated, check your water intake. Make sure you do not overdo it nor under do it. Ensure to have an optimal amount of water. Were you shocked by fact that water can also be poisonous to the body? Share your thoughts concerning drinking too much water. Meanwhile, remember to take only the RECOMMENDED amount of water. If you enjoyed reading this, subscribe more of the same.


  • I need to drink more water for sure, but I hadn’t considered the dangers of drinking too much. Our bodies are pretty resilient, but we do need to keep things in check.

    • Absolutely. Keeping our body’s healthy will help us get more activities done. The dangers are real, that is why we should take the amount of water relative to our body weight.

    • You could consider installing reminder apps or getting yourself some smart bottles which detect your hydration level to keep you hydrated. I trust that will help your journey on increasing your water intake.

  • The article is well written. I have heard about it that drinking excess water is dangerous. But never knew the side effects of it.

    • Thank you for your compliment. The side effects are surprising new to most of. It is funny that we have lived without knowing what too much water can do to our bodies.

  • Great information! I didn’t think of the side effects of drinking too much water, as I’m always reading about staying hydrated and not drinking enough water during the day. Will keep this information in mind, thank you.

    • Most welcome. Do keep that in mind and share the knowledge acquired with a friend. Let’s build a healthy nation

    • Fantastic. I love the fact that you know how to take water in relation to your body weight. I once read to know the amount of water to take in, one should divide their body weight by 7 to get the number of cups.

    • My personal opinion is that sweating depends on your activity level. Considering one who has sat all day behind their desk and one who has been doing physical activities, the latter one will require more water to keep them more active.

  • Wow I never knew this information so I learned so much from this post, thanks for sharing I will definitely be watching how much water I intake!

    • Most welcome. I am glad to hear you were able to learn a lot from this post. Stay alert for more beneficial posts to come

  • Very informative! I have an app on my phone with my fitness tracker that reminds me to actually drink water as I tend to get busy and forget, it tracks the amount of water I drink each day!

    • That’s fantastic. I find apps with reminders very beneficial because you can hardly forget when to take water. There are also amazing bottles which i have been trying out that remind you when to get hydrated and I must say they are also very helpful

  • I never heard about this So informative. Never thought that drinking too much water is poisonous to our body

    • It is my joy to educate others on what we tend to ignore without really giving a thought to the consequences when we over-do the recommended amounts. Thank you for stopping by to learn the amazing facts.

    • Very true. All praises go towards the benefits of water, which for sure are quite amazing, however, we tend to forget the importance of taking the recommended amount and not too much of it. We hardly get to hear any effects of taking too much water, and when we experience some of the symptoms of over-hydration we hardly think it is anything close to an effect of over-hydration.

    • Most welcome.Yes, it’s quite amazing getting to know that something as little as the amount of intake can be harmful when ignored.

    • Absolutely true. Thank you for the added knowledge.There are fruits which are precisely taken to increase the amount of water in the body. Thank you

  • OMG! Im shookt as Ive been consuming too much water in my body. Cant believe that this would possibly happen if I keep on doing so. Ive always thought that it would easily digest anything I eat and clean up my body. Well, everything must be in balance.

    • Yes, sure. We live ignoring the tiny details that are so important to our lives. Everything should be done in moderation. Too much of anything can be harmful to the body.

  • I thought water is always good and we should drink as much as possible. I guess everything has their limit! Glad to come across this and have a good read! Glad that you also indicated some of the symptoms if drinking too much. I shall take note of these symptoms as I tend to drink a lot of water in a day.

    • You are welcome. Yes, it’s very shocking having lived for years, without knowing the effects of taking too much water. We have lived believing we should take as much water as possible. But, as it is said, there is nothing that lacks its downside. Possibly also consider downloading water reminder apps on play-store or apple store or buy some smart water bottles to track your hydration levels.

  • I never knew this, until i got really sick in college, and was told I had over-hydrated! I thought the doctor was joking! Great job educating about this!

    • Am really sorry to hear about the sickness. I trust that you are well. It is time people got to know about the effects of over-hydration. We take a subject like water as a very light issue but can be harmful. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience, it will be valuable for those who have never heard about over-hydration being dangerous.

    • Yes very wild. However, you still should take caution considering dehydration has its effects also and that it can slow down your productivity levels. To help you with getting to drink the recommended amount of water daily, consider downloading reminder apps from Google play-store or Apple store, or alternatively get smart water bottles similar to the ones displayed on the post to remind you and track your hydration levels using smart technology systems.

  • thankful this is not something I have to worry about, my problem is I don’t drink enough water and I get dehydrated, but good to know.

    • Most welcome. Consider getting some apps that will remind you to drink water regularly to avoid dehydration. Dehydration can slow down your productivity levels. Also look for smart water bottles like the one’s shown in the post to get reminders. They can be very handy especially in busy situations when you might not remember to drink water.

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